
Top Ten Tips For A Healthy You This Summer

Enjoy the sunshine, safe exposure is important not only for your bone health but also your immune system.

Alkaline, ensure you eat and abundance of salad and green leafy vegetables.

To Keep hydrated remember to drink lots of water, diluted juices, herb teas, experiment making your own using fresh herbs such as mint or lemongrass. Simply adding lemon or lime to water makes you more alkaline!

Almonds, Keep up your good oils, snack on a handful of raw nuts and seeds, and choose oily fish such as salmon and sardines instead of red meat.

Nourish yourself; Coconut water is super-hydrating, nutrient packed, potassium dense and fat free all in a nut!

Dangers If travelling in underdeveloped countries avoid salads, ice in drinks and eat fruits you can peel.

Reduce saturated fats, choose fruit sorbets over icecream, or make your own by blending your favourite summer fruits with juice and freeze.

Exercise and , enjoy brisk walking, swimming, running barefoot on sand is very good for your stability!

Switch on Raw food and Avoid over BBQ’d food, blackened food has a negative health impact.

Travelling with a probiotic such as Culturelle is a good idea for all the family, supports both the immune system and digestive health.

Susie Rucker Nutrition

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