Wednesday 8th December; Emily came to the Clinic for her weekly visit as she has been doing so for the past 7 weeks; she was very nicely dressed.
She was good looking, perfumed, her hair was brushed and she was really looking different.
She didn’t know what’s gone happen until James came into the room with the scale, followed up by Julie and Billy.
They first asked her to stand up, and she did without even thinking of it, without asking any assistance,
They measured her waist, took her blood pressure, and weighted her:
The results are astonishing:
– Minus 5 cm waist circumference,
– Minus 4kg
– Blood pressure 122/81
Life has not always been easy for EMILY, she is a very special woman, she has a strong personality and I just want to acknowledge her for her Commitment to the program, and her courage to believe it was possible.
She is on the track now, still a very long way to go to reach a safer level of health but she said during the last assessment that our team has given her confidence, she is not any longer afraid to stand up from her wheel chair, to walk, and she knows she can change her life.
I am very grateful for this gift of perseverance, and I really want to thank all the Doctors and practitioners, who did commit themselves in this project,
The last TV transmission will be on January 7th at 20:30 on Vasantham- MediaCorp local TV.
Save the date and meet us on TV,
Another date to save is December 29th 2010, Emily will be 50, and what a more empowering gift than being acknowledge as a lovable person, so if you want to wish her an Happy birthday, please send her nice Birthday card @ Body with Soul 44 Rochester Park 139248 Singapore, we will forward them all.
Many thanks for your generosity and support,
Body with Soul Team