Shrimathi Swaminathan
Clinical Psychologist and Director B.A. (Psychology) M.A., M.Phil. (Clinical Psychology) Psychology - Provided by PsynapticaAbout Shrimathi Swaminathan
Shri is a Clinical Psychologist practicing in various clinical settings for over two decades. She established her practice Psynaptica in 2008 that serves a diverse client population with different backgrounds and needs. Psynaptica provides psychological therapy, assessment and other psychological services that are current, scientific and evidence based, yet simple and practical, adhering to a strict code of ethics with an emphasis on the safeguard of client interests.
Shri has a special interest and expertise in Eating Disorders, behavoural disorders in children, Borderline and other personality disorders and Neuropsychological and forensic psychological assessments. She is also trained in EMDR.
Shri has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Arts and Master of Philosophy degrees in Clinical Psychology. She is a member of the Singapore Psychological Society, Australian Psychological Society and the Society for Psychotherapy Integration.
The focus of psychotherapy is to improve mental wellbeing and treat psychological disorders. Shri uses a scientific, integrated model, drawing on the strengths of different approaches in psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavior therapy, behavior modification, EMDR and psychodynamic therapy.
Examples of conditions that improve with psychotherapy are depression, anxiety, phobias, stress and serious conditions such as psychosis and bipolar disorders. Psychotherapy can also facilitate the resolution of interpersonal conflict, improve memory, reduce stress and help with issues related to everyday life. Some of the areas for psychotherapy intervention –
- Behavioural problems in children such as sleep difficulties, temper tantrums, attention difficulties, anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- Cognitive training for children with ADHD
- Relationship issues
- Issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity
- Eating Disorders and Weight Management e.g. Anorexia
- Mood disorders – depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder
- Psychotic disorders e.g. schizophrenia
- Prevent suicide
Psychological Assessment
Shri conducts psychological assessments using standardised psychological tests for various assessment objectives. Examples of common assessment objectives are:
- Diagnose or rule out conditions or disorders such as ADHD, depression, Bipolar disorder, Eating Disorder etc.
- Describe interpersonal style, personality traits and career aptitude and interest to facilitate career development or recruitments
- Forensic and legal – e.g. compensation after injury, divorce and custody, adoption etc.
8.30 am – 3.30 pm Weekdays
Evening Clinic: 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm on Wednesday