
Work Life Balance – Time Management

Do you often feel like you have more things to do than you have time to do them? Time is arguably our most precious resource, it’s limited. When used wisely, it helps to cope effectively with the varied demands of ones life. Implementing good Time management allows one to accomplish more in a shorter period… View Article

Expats Supporting Expats

Recently moved to Singapore? Feeling isolated and lonely, overwhelmed with work or family pressures, or struggling to find your identity in your new homeland? The Expat Support Group brings together expats who are finding their move to Singapore challenging. The group enables members to connect with other expats who may be feeling some of the… View Article


New must-have app for busy mums on the go launches in Singapore. Time is a precious commodity for most mothers who have to juggle family, career, home and social life on a day to day basis. MumRadar offers a great combination of unique features that makes it easier to stay balanced as a mum. Users… View Article

The Mindful Mum: Guilt

My work as a counsellor is often about helping mothers cope with the difficult thoughts and emotions that can show up as part of motherhood’s demanding role. Guilt is one of the most frequent unwelcome visitors – it is as though it’s an inevitable part of becoming a mother and can make an appearance even… View Article

No Fear; Fly Home For The Holidays!

The highlight of my day in my counseling work with clients at Body With Soul is when clients leave my office with new impression and feel “free” from a previous mental block. I get requests from Executives who have been preforming at high levels for years but have been doing it with great anxiety, or… View Article

The First Transition from Home to School for your Toddler

Every year kids start school—starting school for the first time is a very big change in everyone’s life. School is about making adjustments, building relationships, adapting to new routines, new rules and solving conflicts. Some children manage this easily while others will require little extra preparation, beyond common sense, before entering a new school. Transition… View Article

Having Finally A Baby – An Emotional Journey

Fertility Coaching & Counseling offers support to individuals and couples who are planning to conceive or have been trying for some time, either naturally or via fertility treatment. The 1-to-1 sessions focus on the mental and emotional support, as well as empowering clients with a set of tools to make informed decisions. Tanja Faessler-Moro, Director… View Article

Sex? Not interested! What can you do?

Desire for or interest in sexual activity as well as frequency can decline progressively with age. Hormonal changes, medical problems and stress are also factors. With some creativity, imagination and planning, both passion and excitement can be sustained in sexual intimacy regardless of age. Some facts about one’s sexual desire: There is no “normal”, because… View Article

Nutrition And The Challenges of Adolescence

Adolescence is a life stage fraught with challenges. It is a time of a desire for increasing independence yet limited opportunity for complete self care or life experience to understand the complex responsibilities of modern adulthood. This challenging life stage also spans a phase of massive hormonal and physical changes. Adolescence is characterised by high… View Article

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