

Let’s face it! We only have 24 hours a day, and frankly, finding time to exercise within that period proves to be difficult. Finding five minutes to exercise is challenging enough, let alone, twenty for a workout between your job, family, school and just life in general. Well, if I told you there was a… View Article

Feel Alive, Get HIIT Up!

It is already February and time is zipping by, as it seems. What have you accomplished thus far? Not feeling good about you? Perhaps, don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself a pat on your back for staying on track on your 2015 goal. Is one of your goals a health goal? How is… View Article

The Water And Sport

How to talk about water without extolling the merits in relation to physical activity ? Swimming is the activity par excellence that connects us to the water if we consider the practice of sport. But what are the benefits? Let’s talk first about your physical condition. Swimming allows you to run all your muscle mass… View Article

Sport/Exercise And Weight Management

Ok I am sure this isn’t news to most people but just in case you didn’t realise ‘Crash diets tend not work’. Obviously some people have great success trying out the latest dietary fad but for the vast majority, when we crash diet it leads to discomfort, fatigue, unhappiness and usually very little, if any… View Article

Consistency Is Key!

We’ve all heard that the secret to achieving sustainable weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is Lifestyle. And what exactly is lifestyle? Lifestyle is a term used to describe what we do most commonly on a day to day basis. That is, what we eat most regularly and how regularly we are active. In… View Article

Kinabalu… Reach it or Lose it!

2h50 min to reach the summit after 2500m of steps, and rock climbing, Dubbed as ‘The World’s Toughest Mountain Race’, this race is a true challenge to the spirit of human endurance. The average climber takes two days to climb the mountain but participants of the race can make it in less than 3 hours… View Article

Pre Exercise Assessment

Planning on Starting a Fitness Program? Consider Going for a Medical Assessment Deciding to start on a fitness program could be one of the best decisions you can make. It might be because: You are doing it as part of weight loss regime You’ve signed up for an event like half/full marathon or even a… View Article

She did it…..! RUN 350 – for the Environment

On April 17th 2011 Graziella General Manager of Body with Soul ran the RUN 350 10 kilometers race. She came in 8th in the Women’s Open Category with a time of 50 min 15 sec. Graziella is extremely passionate about environmental awareness, education and protection. Well done “G”. Go Green! The Run 350 is organized… View Article

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