
Our Osteopaths treat conditions like neck & back pain, headaches & postural problems. We treat infants & children with feeding and growth issues.


Our Clinical Psychologists provide psychotherapy & psychological assessment for children, teens & adults to treat & manage range of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD & marital conflicts.

Dietetics & Nutrition

Our Dieticians help assess & manage variety of conditions ranging from allergies, weight management, type 2 diabetes, coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, sports nutrition & oncology nutrition

Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapist help people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations)

Speech Therapy

Our Speech Therapist work with range of condition in children with special needs


More than
unique patients treated

From over
different nationalities

This Month's Must Reads

Osteopathy for Babies and Children

It is a common misconception that babies and children have no body stresses or strains because they are young and vital. The reality is very different, Birth is an extremely stressful event for a... more

Thyroid Screening

1. Who should go for a thyroid screening and how regularly? Also, who is most at risk for thyroid issues? (i.e. age, range, sex, family history, etc.) Thyroid screening is offered as a part of... more

Le Nec plus ultra (fr: the best of the best) of Neck stretches !!

Feeling like you are wearing a neck brace at the end of the day sometimes ?... Do you ever notice that after a long day at work , facing your computer your neck looks like concrete and any... more

Our Services
