
Addictions are very common – few of us have escaped! Our addiction could be alcohol – how many times have I heard the response to my question to tell me about alcohol consumption “Oh, just the usual amount” …. This can end up being a very large number on delving into the details! We can also be addicted to caffeine – quite common when we need to be on top of things and alert – ready to achieve the next task. A particular favorite with women is chocolate, or simply sugar and especially at certain times of the month… Equally important, we can have addictions to exercise, internet shopping, computer games, gambling and some unmentionables…

It is interesting and important to look at why we have addictions. We can use them as a crutch when we are stressed and not feeling so good about ourselves. The addiction is comforting to us and we are wired to gravitate towards pleasure. Sometimes the addiction can be due to nutritional deficiencies as in the case of chocolate; I must say that I like this reason – a lot! Addictions can also relieve anxiety, loneliness and low moods, physical and emotional pain.

Sounds good? Do something to cover over the cracks?? Maybe that’s OK???

The saying “something that sounds too good to be true, probably isn’t”, is so true. What happens when we use something to cover something else? We are not effectively dealing with the underlying issue and also the addiction usually becomes a problem in itself. Alcohol overuse causes many nutritional deficiencies so that our body doesn’t function normally, as well as liver disease, depression and increased risk of many cancers. Caffeine addiction leads to overstimulation and eventually to needing more caffeine to get the same effect. Caffeine interferes with the balance of minerals and vitamins that strive to keep us functioning properly. Other physical addictions like gambling or shopping can interfere with our relationships as they can get in the way and then need to be covered up. Such secrets can damage trust. Many addictions help us to feel better by increasing serotonin, but through overuse, we have a diminishing effect from this “feel good” neurotransmitter and need even greater stimulation to get the same effect.

It is best to take a good look at what’s important to us. If we have an addiction, then try to understand why. Does it interfere with our physical and emotional health?

I believe that it is always worth seeing what lies underneath and dealing with the problem. This may not be easy – but there is always someone that can help. I see these kinds of problems every day in my office. One thing that I truly believe is that life is happier and more fulfilling in the long run – without the crutch.

Dr Kim Hayes
Family Doctor
Complete Healthcare International

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