
Support groups are often a very necessary addition to our individual therapy and can provide the much needed evidence that we are not alone in our challenges. Seeing life’s challenges as a group can provide new insights and different perspectives that allow us to better reflect through the process of change. Support group also function to help carry the burden that could otherwise overwhelm us. As self care is essential to managing challenge, this can be significantly helped in a support group setting.

Couples who are going through divorce involving child custody

Surviving A Divorce will focus on the challenges that face both women and men moving towards divorce with the added stress of child custody issues. The workshop will talk about how to survive and will also delve into the psychological facets as well as offering legal insights to help manage the anxiety.

Sex Addiction Support Group

Sex Addiction is more prevalent than many realize and when they do, whether they are the addict or the partner in the relationship, intensive individual therapy is essential. However as an add on to the individual therapy and or couple’s therapy, both parties are encouraged to seek group support to help cope with the problem and gain greater insights as they struggle towards changing the faulty beliefs and the avoidance of true intimacy, that lead so many astray. In these groups for men and groups for women, we hope to provide a safe place where insight and support can be felt.

For Women

In this confidential support group for women, the partners of those suffering from sex addiction will learn about the fundamental beliefs that drive their partner to avoid true intimacy while seeking attention outside the relationship. Through this educational interaction the group will provide insight, empathy, n support as we move towards coping with the problem, stabilizing the partners suffering SA, and work towards true intimacy in the marriage relationship. The goal will also be towards Confronting the SA partner n getting them to commit to their own therapy n recovery group.

For Men

If you are struggling with urges to sexually act outside of your otherwise committed marriage or relationship and you find the urge often outweighs the risks of getting caught or causing severe detriment to your health, family, career, etc, then you may be suffering from a very common problem known as Sex Addiction.

In this confidential support group men will learn more about the origins of illness which most often begins with childhood relationships and belief systems. You will learn about the triggers, obstacles, and potential outcomes of not making a concerted effort to rid yourself of the crippling beliefs and habits of avoiding true intimacy. You will gain valuable, insight, empathy and support from a group of men struggling with the same or similar problems.

Our Services
